The Biodiversa+ Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) presents the long-term strategic vision of Biodiversa+, including broad research themes that will guide a broad range of activities over the coming years.

It has been prepared by the Biodiversa+ Chairs Team and all Biodiversa+ partners. An open consultation was also organised calling for a review of the agenda by key academic and non-academic organisations in the field of biodiversity, ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions research.

The SRIA identifies three Topical Themes and associated knowledge needs, and two Cross-cutting themes dealing with general issues that are relevant to all the Topical Themes. It should be made clear that these themes will not necessarily translate into specific Flagship Programs and/or calls for projects, as these could correspond to a combination of Topical and Cross-cutting Themes.

The themes closely align with the core themes of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030; they are action oriented with high societal impact, and ground breaking for science. They promote synergies between sectors, actors and policies; and are supporting the EU’s long-term strategic research agenda for biodiversity.

It should be made clear that these themes will not necessarily translate into specific Flagship Programs and/or calls for projects, as the latter could correspond to a combination of Topical and Cross-cutting Themes.

As a concrete way forward to implement the SRIA, multi-annual Flagship Programs are launched (1-2 per year) to tackle thematic issues through the wide portfolio of Biodiversa+ activities. Flagship Programmes can hold a joint call for research proposals but this is not a requirement. Having different duration, several flagship Programmes will run in parallel and synergies amongst Flagship Programmes are encouraged to better understand and highlight interlinkages between biodiversity and other challenges.

By the end of Biodiversa+, the entire collection of Flagship Programmes shall have covered the main topics of the SRIA, and jointly deliver on the ambition of the Partnership.

List of flagship programmes to be initiated in the first two years of Biodiversa+ (2021-2023):

  • Supporting  biodiversity and ecosystem protection across land and sea
  • Better transnational monitoring of biodiversity to better characterize, understand and report on biodiversity dynamics and trends
  • Better knowledge to develop, deploy and assess Nature-based Solutions
  • Supporting societal transformation for the sustainable use and management of biodiversity
More information
Biodiversa SRIA release cover
Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda